Mindfulness in Everyday Life with Adam Lacey

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In “Mindfulness in Everyday Life” we will practice both informal and formal mindfulness meditation practices:
– Mindful Eating
– Body Scan
– Mindfulness of the Breath
– Mindful Movement (walking / stretching / gentle Tai Chi or Yoga based movements)
– Mindfulness of Thoughts and Emotions
– Mindfulness – turning towards a difficulty
– 3 Minute Breathing Space
– Mindful Communication
These sessions typically last two hours and give you a chance to try out some of the core practices of Mindfulness, explore key ideas and benefits and ask questions.

Hello my name is Adam. I am very glad to be invited to come and join your group for this series of workshops on “Mindfulness in everyday life” and “Developing the compassionate mind”.
I live just outside of Oxford in the UK, where during the past 15 + years, I have been working with the National Health Service, in the voluntary and health sectors and in private practice as a psychologist, CBT therapist and mindfulness teacher.
During this time I have worked with people with a range of difficulties in groups, couples and families, and individual children and adults.
I believe that the knowledge and experience you may gain from the workshops will help to explore ways of understanding struggles and ways of living more resourcefully and towards greater well-being.

Warm wishes!

Teaching language: English
Your Contribution: 25 lei/20 lei for Members
Book your place here: https://forms.gle/JEiRXERUSiXzuqiA8

Poti veni si direct la sedinte insa nu iti garantam un loc, daca nu iti rezervi locul in acest formularul de mai sus. Avem un numar de maxim 15 locuri disponibile.Te rog să ajungi cu aprox. 5 -10 minute înainte pentru a te acomoda. ???