EMOTIONS OR MENTAL FACTORS? with Venerable Robina Courtin

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EMOTIONS OR MENTAL FACTORS? with Venerable Robina Courtin

9am-12 noon Mountain Time / 6-9pm Romania time

Through her dynamic and often humorous teaching style, Ven. Robina Courtin will explain how the mind offers tools that enable us to overcome attachment and develop genuine love and compassion.

The teachings will be in English and will include Mahayana Buddhist teachings, as well as Q&A sessions. The event is open to anyone interested in better knowing their mind from a Buddhist perspective, in order to be able to use it for their own benefit, as well as others’.

?General Title of the series: How the mind works – the arising of happiness

  1. What is our mind? – understanding the real nature of our mind, the conventional and ultimate reality, what is primary mind and how is different from mental factors – 3 hours . Tue Feb 9 (6 pm – 9 pm Romanian Time)
  2. Emotions or mental factors? – understanding the characteristics of our mind, virtue, non-virtue and delusions – 3 hours. Tue Mar 16 (6 pm – 9 pm Romanian Time)
  3. What confuses us in finding happiness? – understanding conceptual and nonconceptual minds, sense and sense awareness – 3 hours. Tue April 20 (6 pm – 9 pm Romanian Time)
  4. How do we deepen the mind training in order to be more happy? – understanding and meditating on emptiness, types of minds – the seven fold division -3 hours. Tue May 25 (6 pm – 9 pm Romanian Time)

Ordained since the late 1970s, Ven. Robina has worked full time since then for Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s FPMT. Over the years she has served as editorial director of Wisdom Publications, editor of Mandala Magazine, executive director of Liberation Prison Project, and as a touring teacher of Buddhism. Her life and work with prisoners have been featured in the documentary films Chasing Buddha and Key to Freedom. More here: robinacourtin.com

This event is organised by Center of White Mahakala FPMT SG (www.whitemahakala.ro) & Compassion Wisdom Flower FPMT SG (https://www.facebook.com/compassionwisdomflower) for their support!

The event will take place on the Zoom online platform – you can access it directly in your Chrome browser or you can download the app on your computer, phone or tablet.
❗️ Please register using the enrollment form: https://forms.gle/34suzppCCsch8mWDA

You will receive the link in the day of the event, on the e-mail address provided in the registration form.

Suggested donation: 40 lei (8 Euros) for Non-Members or FREE FOR MEMBERS.
Let us know if you have financial difficulties and we will offer you a discount.
Please donate using the enrollment form: https://forms.gle/34suzppCCsch8mWDA

We welcome you all of any faiths and backgrounds!!