Discovering Buddhism Module 11 – Transforming Problems with venerable Tenzin Gendun

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Discovering Buddhism
Awakening the limitless potential of your mind, achieving all peace and happiness 🙏

We continue Discovering Buddhism with Module 11 – “Transforming Problems” with the Buddhist monk venerable Tenzin Gendun, starting on October 23 from 07:00 pm – 08:30 pm (Romanian time).🫶

⭕DESCRIPTION: the course will be held in English
In Module 11 we will learn about the disadvantages of selfishness and the advantages of cherishing others; how to employ the special techniques of mind training (lojong) to transform problems into happiness.

❗The Eight Verses of Thought Transformation is a mind training (lojong) root text composed by Kadampa Geshe Langri Tangpa (1054–1123).…/eight-verses-thought…

The Module will have 4 sessions:
🔸session 1 (23.10.2024): verses 1 & 2
🔸session 2 (30.10.2024): verses 3 & 4
🔸session 3 (06.11.2024): verses 5 & 6
🔸session 4 (13.11.2024): verses 7 & 8

🪷10 min motivation + 30 min talk about 2 verses + 10 min break + 20 min meditation + 15 min Q/A + 5 min dedication 🪷

🌞Anyone can attend, but you’ll get the most benefit if you have a basic knowledge of Buddhism, or if you have attended previous Discovering Buddhism modules.🌞

Born in Sri Lanka and growing up in England, he studied in art school before meeting Tibetan Buddhism through the kindness of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Dalai Lama. He became a monk in 1992. He served in Buddhist centers in New Zealand, and from 2000 he moved to Nalanda Monastery in France to further his Buddhist studies, graduating there with a master’s degree in Buddhism. He regularly conducts Retreats in Nalanda Monastery, Kopan and teaches teachings at several FPMT Centers in Europe, Nepal being registered as an accredited teacher of the organization.
We are happy and grateful he shares his knowledge and time with us.

This all sounds pretty serious, so please remember as you embark upon this journey, above all, your study and practice should be enjoyable. It should be fun 🐥

The event will take place on the Zoom online platform – you can access it directly in your Chrome browser or you can download the app on your computer, phone or tablet. You will receive the link before the event, on the e-mail address provided in the registration form.

✖️ To participate in the event, you must register in advance using the registration form:
✖️On the day of the event you will receive a confirmation email with a link to connect to zoom.
✖️The Active Members of the Center can participate in the event for free (they paid membership in the last 3 months).

Please register using the enrollment form:

– 50 lei (10 Euros)/Session for Non-Members or FREE FOR ACTIVE MEMBERS.
– Let us know if you have financial difficulties and we will offer you a discount.
– Please donate using the enrollment form:

📢Opportunities to become a member of the White Mahakala Buddhist Center (FPMT Study Group):
– MEMBERSHIP „SUPPORTER” – 100 lei (20 Euros)/month
– MEMBERSHIP “GENEROSITY” – 200 lei (40 Euros)/month
More about our membership types here:

Your donation is meant to sustain White Mahakala Buddhist Center to cover the costs of the event in order to make the teachings affordable and accessible. Thank you!

➡️Cluj-Napoca, str. Tipografiei, nr. 18, interfon 7
➡️e-mail: (Anca will respond)