Developing Happiness&Meaning in Everyday Life cu Cristina

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The event you are invited to participate in, promotes Universal Education for Compassion and Wisdom (UECW); being a secular approach to inner development, it empowers people to lead a happy and meaningful life. UECW is rooted in Buddhist philosophy and psychology, is deeply influenced by contemporary science and is suitable for people of all ages, beliefs and cultural traditions.

During a series of sessions, we will present a range of practical tools for making everyday life better, under the name of 16 Guidelines. They provide a simple framework for reflecting on how we think, speak and act, transforming our relationships, making better decisions, and finding peace of mind even on the most difficult days.

The 16 Guidelines were inspired by the 16 Human Dharmas, an ethical code written by King Songsten Gampo in the 7th century Tibet to guide his citizens. The code played a crucial part in the transformation of Tibet from a warlike nation into a civilization renowned for peace and serenity; thus, the 16 Guidelines are a contemporary presentation of ancient wisdom. They are words which appear in all of the spiritual, religious and philosophical traditions of the world.

The 16 Guidelines are grouped in four wisdom themes:

How we think – the way we use our mind determines the way we live.
How we act – every skillful action makes a better world.
How we relate – to take care of others is to take care of ourselves.
How we find meaning – if everything is changing, many things are possible.
Many people are finding that they offer the key to developing resilience in the face of the challenges and stress of modern life.

Cristina Urs

Cristina studied physics and mathematics and she works in research. She is interested in religion and Buddhist philosophy. She completed the Foundation Service Seminar (FSS) offered by the Foundation for the preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) and she is an accredited 16 Guidelines course facilitator. Cristina practices meditation and considers that meditation expands our perspective, reduces stress and offers us a lot of physical and mental benefits.


The event will take place on the Zoom online platform; you can access it directly in your Chrome browser or you can download the app on your computer, phone or tablet. You will receive the link before the event, on the e-mail address provided in the registration form.


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