Life, Death and After Death with ven. Losang Gyaltsen

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❗️Enrollment form:
Online teachings in English (zoom)

🌞We invite you on Tuesday, March 28th, between 18:00 – 20:00 (Romanian time) to take part in the meeting with the venerable Buddhist monk Losang Gyaltsen, who will talk about Life, death and after death from a Buddhist point of view.

Buddhism recognizes that there is a continuous cycle of life, death and rebirth. This cycle is known as samsara. The ultimate aim of Buddhist practice is to become free from samsara.
When we die we are reborn into another life. Tibetan Buddhists believe that there is an in-between stage known as the bardo which can take up to 49 days.
Within Buddhism, rebirth can take six possible forms, the highest or lowest: gods, demi-gods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts and hell creatures.
A person’s rebirth is dependent on previous thoughts and actions. Each intentional action, good or bad, gives rise to karma. Good karma will allow for a good rebirth and vice versa. The last moments of a person’s life are important because the last thoughts and feelings will be a deciding factor in conditioning the first moment of the next life.

⏳“For a Buddhist, the ideal way to die is to die gradually, contrary to an often-stated view that it’s best to die in our sleep so that we don’t know about it. And the reason is clear: given that most of us live in denial of this natural event, our loved ones need time to get ready for death, at peace and unafraid, so that they can, indeed, go happily to their next rebirth, either a precious human rebirth in which they can continue to practice their spiritual path or rebirth in a pure land, such as Buddha Amitabha’s, in which they can easily become a Buddha and thus be qualified to perfectly help others.” ~ Ven. Robina Courtin ⏳

🧘 About the teacher 🧘
Venerable Losang Gyaltsen grew up in Paris and left his corporate job in 2007 when he moved to Nalanda Monastery, France, to study and practice Buddhism full-time. He was ordained as a monk in 2010. He studied and completed the Basic Program from 2008 to 2012 at Nalanda, ending with a 3 month Lamrim retreat. In 2013 he started the Masters Program and became Director of Nalanda Monastery. He leads Lamrim retreats.
Study and practice over the years made Venerable Gyaltsen realize the true source of happiness and suffering – namely his own mind.

💡LANGUAGE: the event will be held in English

💡 ONLINE: on Zoom
The event will take place on the Zoom online platform – you can access it directly in your Chrome browser or you can download the app on your computer, phone or tablet. You will receive the link before the event, on the e-mail address provided in the registration form.

Please register using the enrollment form:
you will receive the link before the event, on the e-mail address provided in the registration form.

💰 Your contribution:
– 50 lei (10 Euros) for Non-Members
– 25 lei (5 Euros) for Active Members (you paid the membership for the last 3 months)
Let us know if you have financial difficulties and we will offer you a discount.

🎈 Please donate using the enrollment form:

📍 Opportunities to become a member of the White Mahakala Buddhist Center (FPMT Study Group):
– MEMBERSHIP „SUPPORTER” – Recommended Donation: 100 lei (20 Euros)/month
– MEMBERSHIP “GENEROSITY” – Recommended Donation: 200 lei (40 Euros)/month
More about our membership types here:

Your donation is meant to sustain White Mahakala Buddhist Center to cover the costs of the event in order to make the teachings affordable and accessible. Thank you! 🙏🏼
We wish to encourage you to participate so if you cannot afford the suggested donation please CONTACT US: