DISCOVERING BUDDHISM/Module 2: How to Meditate

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In DISCOVERING BUDDHISM Module 2 we explore the definition and purpose of meditation, how to sit, how to set up a meditation session, different meditation techniques, and how to deal with obstacles to meditation.

The purpose of meditation is to give us tools to create causes that reduce suffering, increase happiness. Meditation isn’t just to“check out”. It also presupposes that we are basically fundamentally good and workable.
This programme is designed for each session to correspond to a different kind of meditation. The approach is practical rather than lots of information because in the end you only get the benefit of meditation that you actually do.

Class 1
The purpose of meditation, meditation on the breath
Class 2
Mindfulness meditations; mindfulness of feelings and mindfulness of the mind
Class 3
“Generating the mind in the aspect” meditations
Class 4
Analytical meditaion
Class 5
Practical applications – bringing meditation into daily life

Venerable Dechen is an FPMT registered teacher qualified to teach Foundational and Basic courses.
She was ordained with Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 2017, graduated the Basic Programme and studied 5 years of Master Programme at Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa.
She currently leads online lam rim meditations and had guided meditations for Basic Programme.

This all sounds pretty serious, so please remember as you embark upon this journey, above all, your study and practice should be enjoyable. It should be fun.

The event will take place on the Zoom online platform – you can access it directly in your Chrome browser or you can download the app on your computer, phone or tablet. You will receive the link before the event, on the e-mail address provided in the registration form.

❗️ Please register using the enrollment form:
You will receive the link before the event, on the e-mail address provided in the registration form.

Suggested donation: 30 lei (6 Euros)/Session or 120 lei (24 euros)/Entire Course or Non-Members or FREE FOR MEMBERS.

Let us know if you have financial difficulties and we will offer you a discount.
Please donate using the enrollment form: